To a Scholar
I take no credit.
I am a small bit of mortar
in the edifice that becomes your
living. Our roads cross
briefly, but your
journey is lengthy.
I am but a sign post.
I am not the path.
You fly. You sing. You
work. You play well. You
become an aria as your own influence
mingles with the gladness of a choir of strong elders.
Indubitably, you
are more than the sum
of all the intermittent notes that balance you
and that you count
for brief moments--
more than all the arcs that spring
you to spiral
upward and forward
to countless blessed hours.
long-lived measures
learn to improvise
understanding the rules of school--
and I am humbled
and carried forth
and carried forth
by the delivery
of your song.
8 June 2011, edited 28 August 2012