
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

To a Scholar

To a Scholar

I take no credit.
I am a small bit of mortar
in the edifice that becomes your
living.  Our roads cross
briefly, but your
journey is lengthy.
I am but a sign post.
I am not the path.
You fly.  You sing.  You
work.  You play well.  You
become an aria as your own influence
mingles with the gladness of a choir of strong elders.
Indubitably, you
are more than the sum
of all the intermittent notes that balance you
and that you count
for brief moments--
more than all the arcs that spring
you to spiral
upward and forward
to countless blessed hours.
The long-lived measures
you learn to improvise
after understanding the rules of school--
and I am humbled
and carried forth
by the delivery
of your song.

8 June 2011, edited 28 August 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Umbra

Fear is the umbra that I carry
From my youth.
It snakes its way coldly
Through the years—
As shards of ice shooting
Through my veins,
Stabbing my heart,
Compelling me to falter—then halt.
Hence, the steam from the bleeding-out
Infects me with cold sweat in the night—
When all reason is obscured.
Yet I cling to this shadow
Which cannot leave me
(for a shadow is not a variable),
Seeking its companionship
Rather than enmity--
As a Lost Boy who delights
In the tests of his bravery,
However spectrally
They are presented
(for Hope is the small thing
that thrives in the darkness
of Pandora's box).
Herein lies the key to surviving:
To open one’s eyes as
Innocently as a child
Each morning
As Dawn slips in through
The window to 
Emblazon her light on the face
Of fear—
Hence blinding the serpent
Which would tempt and deceive
With the image of safety 
Hidden underneath
The dark covers of the bed--
Urging one to live in limbo forever.

10 June 2011

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Agley: From, Word of the Day


  [uh-glee, uh-gley, uh-glahy]  Show IPA
adverb Chiefly Scot.
off the right lineawry; wrong.

Big Lennie loved the mouse a wee
Bit hard.  He begged for rabbits, too.
But George--he knew that she--
Whom the big child crushed (though nameless She may be)--
Foreshadowed all their schemes--agley…

The rabbits in the sky he watched…
The rabbits in the sky:
He had no prospects more to fear
And no more stakes unmade.

Mice and men are fragile beasts,
And so’s a woman without a name.

6 April 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

dog day musings

still August but a bit of
fall is springing in the air
during seconds in the
shade by St. Augustine
which survives in any heat
…hope…there’s hope…
my new year always begins
in the fourth quarter
…listen for the marching band’s
practice tomorrow morning
…I forget this every year
until surprise smacks me
after the drought and channels more words
buzzing in the left brain
waiting for a nudge from the right
brain while dodging squadrons
of giant dragonflies that the
aerial spray didn’t kill
…happy they’re alive
…not the graceful lacey ones
…hordes of them like black ops 'copters
…perhaps the strongest to survive or
perhaps ones strengthened by the poison somehow—
bizarrely, like the green grass that grew one
August in Hiroshima
…still, there’s hope
…a Mayberry day
…walking the chihuahua who’d
love to chew away the leash
and make me work for this walk
…a Mayfield day
…even the tree trimmer’s red rig
like old Gus’s fire truck
…transcendence to a time
before the towers came down
to a time which needed no towers
…or so I think…

23 August 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The panther screams, yet again, within the womb;
His mother’s golden eyes search the shadows
Of the night for the poacher:  No trickery
Of the gods on Olympus here:
Innocence no longer tempts them:  Paranoia and evil
Cloak and arm themselves into incarnate forces without
The aid of a sanctified force…no thoughts of “meant to be”
Can be condoned:
Evil happens when evil is allowed when heads turn the other way.
The words of poets, the canvases of artists,
The songs of chanteuses:  These are our strongest prayers—
Besides the mother’s wail and the father’s jousting with the night.
The poets, the artists, the singers absorb the ricochet of every bullet
In their souls when the fabric of the universe is rent once again.
They cannot sleep until they weave more cloaks against the
Coming of the phantoms of fear.
So, “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all ways of contending…”
Where are our heroes?
They are within.

24 March 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

The City Sings a Song of Jazz

The city sings a song of jazz
with softened saxes and gentle guitars
to send us gliding around the curves
of overpasses brunted against the
neon skyline as the moon rises and ripples
among high frozen notes of clouds
as the sun plays its final reprise
on the shaded eyes of skyscrapers
while the users of the streets
play musical chairs--
as some exit, others arrive--
while many can only march in place.
The jazz once sang for a swinging happening
at a fancy club where memories of jet-setters are left
as ring stains on bars and tables.  The fog of
martini-laden nights croons to us--who were too
young to be glamourous then.
The underbelly of the city cannot quieten
the soulful scats of the lounge singer's echo
from decade to decade,
cannot hide the burlesque
that flowed heavily and rounded, carrying the good and the bad on its River Styx,
cannot stop the resonance of bullets near a grassy knoll,
cannot stop the carousel's fillies from going 'round and 'round.
We stalk the years
that played all the standards--and set the standards
up and down the scales of every dweller's heart--
and we lean wistfully on lamposts,
wishing for a film noir's moment
with a saxophone's rising.

26 September 2011

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another Play Has Ended

Another play has ended.
The audience disengage the
Magnetism of the boards –
Catharsis completed,
The cycles of heroes repaired. 
They tread gingerly into aisles
Toward other realities, lumbering
A bit, questioning the return
To the tedium that has sent them into this
                        Realm of the stage of sounds and
Sights, marvels and ether—
Wondering how
To enlighten—
To their equals and to themselves
(unlike groundlings and fickle mobs)
So as not to frighten
The Muse
Whom they wish
To carry away as in a basket
Of rushes—
To flow gently
As a river might—past the populations
Who know no art.

19 February 2012

Love Song from the Bards

Love is deeper than any sea that
I thought I would ever scavenge,
A rough and roiling voyage—
Not a frolic in a pond
Which only breathes of fronds and polliwogs.
Love is not Ophelia’s barge entombed
With weeds which drifted her unto death.
Love leaks in floodwaters of despair, yet
Builds a lighthouse to guide the valiant bark
Home to its craggy shore.
Love is not the perpetual trumping by hero’s antics,
Nor of schoolboy’s daring
To prove the heart for a flutter
Of a simple kerchief or the wink of a darling Calypso.
A steadfast hymn is the longest song—not a Siren’s call
To dash one’s heart, not an Antony’s pact with Cleopatra
To die for drama’s sake to prove that the world is cruel.
Monotonous seems the daily embarking and the disembarking in
The mornings and the nights,
And persistent are the tides that ebb and flow with lunar moods—
But passionate sings the deepest rhythm that few can ever hear
In the crashing waves of dear devotion that
Sanctifies my reason to dive headlong into the depths—
To sink, to eddy, to float, to stroke—
To be one with the currents that satisfy my reason to weave
The net that holds my love as a constant trophy.

6 January 2010

Through the Glass

The fluttering in my heart—
Is it that of angels’ wings,
Or nerves and pressure and blood?
I swallow concoctions; I read a book;
I look to the world outside my window—
Outside my eyes—
Onto the heart of something
Not comprehensible (the dust of snow—
from angels’ flights?), for life and love evade
My understanding.
The past, the present—both rolled into one—
Whisper to my future. I hope.
I try for wings—to fly today;
The blood and flesh
Are grounding me.
The humanness that I am beseeches
Love, yet subtracts affection.
I shall know more at a later time.

But through the glass I see a spotted dog,
Tugging at a cord his mistress grasps;
His heart bursts forth to break away,
Yet he turns with joy to laugh—
To see her chasing faithfully behind—
To laugh with joy at their bond—
As their eyes mirror a holy thing.

23 February 2010


He sings into the grain of things,
down on the ground to change
the pure white cotton of a shirt.
His songs—they sink into my brain and
link onto the pain as
he grabs my soul and leaves.
The troubadour— he sings unto the dawn,
then flees upon the big water
and the iron highway
that were locked inside my heart.
He does not stop for sundown
while trailing a ghost in his wake.
Yet he’s laid blue velvet atop the ice
to make my crossing easier.
His footsteps are light--
the loosened chains
never rattle a warning sound—
and I shed tears for the beautiful.
20 August 2010

The Magnolias Whisper

  The Magnolias Whisper
The son’s fingers sift
The mother's trinkets
As they wander inside
The vanity drawer. 
 “Nothing clinquant can stay,” the
Magnolias whisper.
Powder clouds and
Floats to nothing.
Perfume spills and
Becomes vapor.
Gossamer curtains sag and
Then dissolve.
The candle’s wax fuels no more
Flames for the wayward children.
Only the trees remain.
26 May 2011